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Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra

My Breakdown, Thoughts & Opinions

This writing, and the above video, is entirely based on the above-titled interview, which you can find here.


As with all of these kinds of interviews involving an expert in the field of discussion, it begins by establishing the authority of the person to talk about the subject matter.

In this first few minutes, Dr Aseem Malhotra explains that he qualified as a doctor in 2001, has spent 14 years working as a Cardiologist in London, and has spent around 10 years focusing specifically on the study of Heart Disease.

The Prelude

The conversation begins, not by focusing specifically on the COVID mRNA drug, but the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare industries in general.

Dr Malhotra explains here that the doctors who we go to see as patients get their information from sources that have been corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry. Later in the interview, we learn more about this; specifically, how the pharmaceutical industry funds the regulators who are supposed to protect us from unethical practices, funds the research that influences the kind of treatment we’re offered as patients, and even financially incentivises doctors to prescribe us medication, even when a lifestyle change could actually be more beneficial.

It directly subverts the evidence-based medicine practice that doctors are trained in.

This becomes even more sinister later on when we discover that not only are we being overly medicated in the West, but after Heart Disease and Cancer, prescribed medicine is the 3rd biggest cause of death!

In other words, doctors receive money from pharmaceutical companies to prescribe us medicine that will actually lead many to their deaths. As far as I’m concerned, that’s as good as murder.

As the conversation continues, Dr Malhotra goes on to describe his past career experience and his discovery of a significant increase in chronic illness. ‘Chronic’ describing illness that persists for a long period of time, and often involves long-term, prescribed medication.

I found myself pondering about how industries are about making money, and how the media is no longer a service to the public, but rather a tool of governments and big business, that employs ‘celebrities’ in order to create demand for products, services and policies that we would not otherwise be demanding.

Thus, creating chronic illness in order to ensure a strong demand for medicine wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Certainly people like Dr Sara Kayat, Dr Ranj and Dr Amir Khan - all regularly appearing on morning TV here in Britain, have remained relentless pushers of the COVID “vaccine”, even despite new revelations of the dangers. Could financial incentives from the pharmaceutical industry be driving this?

Dr Malhotra also explains how he has specifically studied Heart Disease, given that we have seemingly made very little progress in curing it over the years. In another video here, I query why this is a similar story when it comes to Cancer.

He elaborates further on this by discussing Statins in particular, which are often prescribed to reduce the chances of problems with the heart. Surprisingly, he reveals that, while causing discomfort in the patient (e.g. fatigue and muscle aches), they only reduce the chance of a heart attack by 1%!

While 80% of all heart attacks are actually caused by lifestyle and the environment, he says. Unsurprisingly, we learn that the prescription of Statins is a very lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industry, and so I’m sure the patients being prescribed Statins are entirely unware of the miniscule benefits.

Evidence-based medicine, says Malhotra, has been hijacked by commercial interests, and he goes on to cite John Ioannidis, Prof. of Medicine at Stanford when revealing that most medical research carried out today is misleading or false.

Well, as we now know, research is funded by the Pharmaceutical industry.

The COVID “Vaccine”

Upon broaching the subject of Pfizer’s mRNA drug, Malhotra references his friend, movie director Gurinder Chadha, who contacted him quite early on with concerns she’d received from others. These concerns, she claimed, even involved microchips being implanted into the vaccine, and an agenda around depopulation.

Malhotra makes a point here that he finds these claims ridiculous even now. As I listened to this, I found myself wondering how a man in Dr Aseem Malhotra’s position could rule out anything, especially in the face of transhumanist material that the World Economic Forum (WEF) regularly advertise on their website, and a TED Talk in which Bill Gates talks about reducing the Human population through ‘vaccines’.

Regardless, Malhotra explains that he advised his friend that vaccines are one of the safest medical interventions available, and without any real distinction in these early days between traditional vaccines and the mRNA drug, his friend got ‘vaccinated’.

Indeed, in the early days, Dr Malhotra spent a great deal of time on morning TV encouraging others to take the COVID shot, however, it wasn’t until another friend of his, a fellow cardiologist, contacted him to raise some concerns on data he’d gained access to that finally got Dr Malhotra’s attention.

He explains that this friend had discovered that the Pfizer trial data involved two cardiac arrests of those who had taken the drug, and one cardiac arrest from a member of the placebo group.

Dr Malhotra goes on to explain that shortly after receiving this information, his own father (also having taken the COVID shot) then suffered a cardiac arrest, despite being fit and healthy. His father unfortunately didn’t survive, and given his confusion, Dr Malhotra ordered a post-mortem, revealing a severe narrowing of two arteries.

Further compounding his growing concerns, he then discovers that a noteworthy cardiothoracic surgeon called Steven Gundry recently wrote an abstract in “General Circulation”, a prestigious medical publication, declaring that after having had two doses of the COVID shot, his patients were displaying increased markers of inflammation linked to coronary heart disease. Apparently the increase from 11%, previously present, was now 25% which, as Dr Malhotra goes on to elaborate, couldn’t be achieved even should you start smoking, drinking and binge-eating junk food.

Click here to watch an interview between Neil Oliver and Dr John Campbell, at the end of which, Campbell explains the implications of inflammation when it can occur anywhere in the body, in particular, the heart!

One more discussion with a Cardiologist friend, whom Dr Malhotra doesn’t name, but who is associated with a well-respected institution, is enough to change Dr Malhotra’s mind about the COVID shot once and for all.

This cardiologist claims that he and his colleagues were informed in a meeting that evidence had been discovered that those who were taking Pfizer’s emergency-use drug were displaying increased markers of coronary inflammation, but the institution was not going to go public with this information because; wait for it…

…their funding - provided by the pharmaceutical industry itself - might be stopped.

Shortly after this, Dr Malhotra appears on GBNews, simply saying that we should be investigating the COVID vaccine further before giving it to members of the public. As is typical of any who might threaten the profits of government or industry, he was discredited as a result.


To prevent 1 COVID death (DELTA), we must vaccinate:

230 people (for 80+)

520 people (70 - 80)

1000+ (Younger than 70)

To prevent 1 COVID death (OMICRON), we must vaccinate:

7,200 people (80+)

“It’s worth it if it saves just 1 person”, I hear you cry.

Did you know that, based on the Pfizer trial data, there is actually a lower chance of a serious adverse event (hospitalisation, disability) from COVID than the mRNA drug?

I’m sure we’ve all seen the videos being shared by distraught parents online who have lost their child to the COVID vaccine.

Should we sacrifice hundreds of young children to save one 85 year old?

It’s becoming incredibly difficult to ignore that there is much more going on here than a simple debate about whether a particular drug is effective.

In 1975, Swine Flu vaccine was pulled because it caused an adverse event in 1 in 100,000 people.

In 1999, Rotavirus vaccine was pulled because it caused an adverse event in 1 in 10,000 babies.

With 1 in 800 people suffering an adverse event in response to this mRNA drug from Pfizer, not only is it not getting pulled, we have all seen vile people gathering in Davos to discuss building the digital infrastructure to enforce mandating this thing globally.

How long are we going to remain passive to such a blatant attack?

As this interview between Dr Malhotra and Tucker Carlson nears its end, we learn a few more interesting, and concerning, facts.

  • Drug companies have a fiduciary legal obligation to achieve profits for their shareholders, but have no legal obligation whatsoever to ensure best treatment

  • While the regulators are being funded by industry, doctors, medical institutions, medical journals, and even our own politicians are colluding with the pharmaceutical industry for financial gain

  • High commissioners from within the regulatory bodies often move on to lucrative positions within the pharmaceutical industry when they leave their positions

  • Between 2009 - 2014, Pfizer and other similar companies paid out over $14bn in fines for committing fraud (including hiding data and illegally marketing drugs), yet still made huge profits

Commercial interests, Malhotra says, shouldn’t be a factor in evidence-based medicine, as it will inevitably introduce conflicts of interest.

And indeed, he goes on to explain how the more money a nation spends on healthcare (referencing the $3.5tn that America spends), the lower the quality of care delivered.

He explains that the higher health risks, whether we are talking about Heart Disease or COVID, were caused as a result of other factors, for example diet and lifestyle.

Yet over the last few years, we’ve not once seen evidence that our politicians care about this. They were closing the gyms, and didn’t utter a word about eating more healthily, as the queues at MacDonalds grew.

This was never about HEALTH, but has always ever been about profits and corruption.

Perhaps had we been a united public, with the ability to critically think and exchange information respectfully, we would have seen this right at the start.

But they knew that.

In the United States, they divided the public with ultra efficiency by using Donald Trump. In a country where the government splits the entire populace between two parties, then sets them against one another as if enemies, it is not difficult to encourage hatred.

Dr Malhotra explains that when he expressed his concerns to family members and friends in the US, they warned him that he sounded like a Trump-supporter.

Where our enemy were able to politicise COVID, they did. Where they were able to dredge up conflict around race, gender, and even climate views, they did.

Divide & conquer.

This interview finishes with Dr Malhotra stating that he believes people are generally good, and want to do the right thing.

I agree. I believe that without a media set on dividing us, we would unite quite quickly against those that have now revealed themselves to be our enemy.

Yet while the media remain unopposed, we will continue to see division sewed between us.


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